What I Am Doing Now

See what I’m up to now & working on at the moment. 

What I Am Doing Now

Things I Am Working On Now

1/ Still living in Singapore, kids are now 9 and 11. Still loving the city

2/ Help my son to be able to hit a tennis ball 100x over the net  ✅

3/ Able to do 10x Navy Seal type pull-ups (currently can do 7x) 

4/ Get a proper will/testament done ✅

5/ Get a 1.5 MW solar system installed on one of the factories I co-own  

6/ Grow my All-Weather Portfolio to 1 Mio ✅

7/ Create a ‘What I Am Doing Now’ page ✅  

8/ Getting company structure in place for my new real estate project ✅



Inspired by Derek Sivers and his Now Page Movement, last update: Apr 3, 2024

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