Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the investment world! I’m Noah, an avid DIY investor on a quest for wealth & wisdom.
About Me

If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.
Warren Buffett
Nice to meet you!
Hi, I’m Noah. I am from Germany, but I live in Singapore for many years. I am in my mid-40s, happily married with two kids.
I’m sort of a combination of an Entrepreneur, DIY Investor, and financial blogger.
The reason why I love to blog is that it helps me organizing my thoughts.
If I want to hone in on thoughts about a certain investment, writing helps me to crystallize my opinion more than any other process.
Join me in my quest for wisdom & financial freedom.
Don't wear yourself out trying to get rich. Be wise enough to know when to quit.
Proverbs 23:4
Quick Timeline
Born in Germany
When I was 14, bought my first stock (Microsoft), and sold it a few months later for approx. 30% profit. Stupid me.
Studied Business & Economics
The Dot Com Crash - One of my first major scars. Lost +60% of my personal portfolio
Moved to Singapore
Founded a marketing agency providing creative services to multinationals
Global Financial Crisis - Proud that we were able to get through it all without dismissing any talent, and without delaying any salaries (besides my own)
Bought my first Bitcoin at 1,050 USD/BTC
Sold my company for 1,5 Mio USD in shares and 500,000 USD in cash to an American group; invested 200,000 USD in a long-only crypto fund
Not working in any corporate role anymore, started focusing on generating passive income from stocks, real estate and digital assets
In March 2021, the first time I receive 500 USD in dividends
In March 2022, the first time I receive 1.000 USD in dividends
The crypto fund I invested in (see 2018) pays out 700,000 USD (invested 200,000 USD). Terra implodes (I lost 95,000 USD). Celsius goes bankrupt (100,000 USD still locked up). Receive 135,000 USD in dividends from companies I own shares in.
Launched in April to share my All-Weather Portfolio, dividend calendar, and most recent investment ideas on my financial blog.
In May 2022, the first time I receive 3.000 USD in dividends
My dividend portfolio reaches 800,000 USD, my crypto portfolio reaches 900,000 USD. Added the best stock picks page.
The beauty of owning gold is the risks you avoid by owning it.
Michael Weeks (?), friend of Grant Williams
Becoming A DIY Investor
I was 14 years old when I bought my first stock: Microsoft! I bought it at split-adjusted 0,25 USD and rode it all the way up to 0,35 USD.. then I sold it! ‘If only I would have, I kept saying to myself.
I did not hold on to my $MSFT shares, but what this story did was it planted a seed. It gave me a front-row seat and let me witness the magic of compounding interest.
I genuinely enjoy helping people think about money, managing their portfolios, and discussing investment opportunities. I also enjoy collecting and creating interesting ranking charts.
I share all the tools and products I use on my investor toolbox page.
My Entrepreneurial Journey
Besides managing my own money, I was always quite entrepreneurial. I founded my own marketing service firm in Singapore in 2004, and invested all the money I had.
I sold it in 2018 for 500,000 USD in cash + 1,5 Mio USD in shares from the acquiring company. It took a monumental amount of effort to build, and I consider myself very, very lucky that I was able to sell it.
I’m still a shareholder in the company that acquired mine, and since then receive between 30k – 100k USD in dividends per year.

Why Did I Create This Site?
I created my pseudo-anonymous alter ego, WiseStacker, to feel more relaxed about sharing how much money I own and the trades I make.
I always loved to see how other people managed and invested their money. It inspires and motivates me.
But you see, somehow most people, especially fellow Germans, don’t speak about money.
Even among good friends, it’s considered to be ‘quite nosy’ when asking about how they manage their money, or god forbid, even ask about their salary!
Germans are a bit like coconuts .. a bit cold and hard on the ‘outside’, but once you break through their hard shell, we are actually quite open fellows, appreciating deep and genuine connections.
I find Americans are more like peaches .. but let’s not get sidetracked 😉
And after having had some investment success, and having helped plenty of my friends and family members, I created this website with the aim to help less experienced DIY investors to at least see how I manage my money, e.g. in my All-Weather Portfolio or Digital Asset Portfolio.
Check out how I find high-yield dividend stocks or my top reasons why I invest in gold.
When you combine ignorance and leverage, you get some pretty interesting results.
Warren Buffett

What is Stealth Wealth?
I practice stealth wealth.
Most people around me don’t really know that I am relatively well off. So what is stealth wealth exactly? Put simply, it’s when you have money without showing it.
It allows me to live a peaceful and relaxed life because I don’t become the target of any envy or resentment. I like discretion, and don’t want to flaunt my wealth and draw attention.
I am a total optimist, but also a realist, who believes the coming years might become quite turbulent. I just think it’s best to keep your financial matters to yourself.
That’s why on, I decided to use a pseudo-anonymous profile.
Pigs can fly if shot out of a large enough cannon, but they eventually return to Earth as bacon.
Harley Bassman
5 Fun Facts About Me.
Fact #1 – The first precious metal stock I bought was from an Australian mining company called MIM. It was in the early 90s (I was 15 years old). MIM was taken over by Xstrata, then became part of Glencore (GLCNF).
Fact #2 – For two years, I worked for a German stockbroker.
Fact #3 – I sold the company I started twice.
Fact #4 – My first ten-bagger was with Take-Two Interactive (TTWO), the publisher of Grand Theft Auto. I bought the stock at 17 USD and sold it at 175 USD.
Fact #5 – The worst trade I ever made was buying 2,000 Terra Luna at 6 USD, and not selling it at 115 USD. Now it is a zero. At its height, it was worth 225,000 USD.
Check out what I am up to at the moment on my now page.
In a world addicted to speed, slowness is a superpower.
Carl Honoré
The WiseStacker Way

Here are 10 steps I recommend you take to become FIRE (financially free & retire early):
Write down a simple plan.
Know your investment style.
Are you a hands-off mutual fund/ETF kind of investor, or a DIY investor?
Get rid of any bad debt, such as car loans or credit card debt. Only have ‘good debt’, e.g. a low-interest loan for a mortgage.
Track and keep your expenses low
Don’t keep more than one-third of your wealth in any one bucket.
Have several different ‘asset buckets’, here are mine:
I Stocks & ETFs (👉Dividend Folio)
II Precious metals (👉 Goldbroker)
III Crypto (👉 Digital Asset Folio)
IV Private equity (shares in 6x firms)
V Alternatives (e.g. 👉 Sun Exchange)
VI Real estate & properties
Save a portion of every dollar you get. 20% is the minimum (of net salary), 30-50% is awesome, and now, let the 3x Amigos do their thing:

🥇 switch on the auto-pilot
🥈 dollar cost average (DCA)
🥉 compound interest
Manage your risk
When you can live off the dividends, you have enough f-u money. Congrats, you are financially free.
Wisely stack your passive income and dividends. Don’t let the normal market ups and downs bring you down.
Become a DIY investor and start stacking, wisely.
I am financially independent and manage my portfolio myself. I am very happy and grateful for what I have. To show my appreciation, I created a dedicated Gratitude page.
And if you leave me a comment through the chat function, some info you choose to share might be stored in form of cookies. Please read my privacy policy for more info.
Reach out if you like – always love hearing from fellow DIY investors!
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness.
Jean Jacques Rousseau
How I Built This Site
I get frequently asked what tools I use to create this site. Here they are.
- Great Value and Affordability
- High Performance and Reliability
- User-Friendly Control Panel
- Global Server Presence:
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- Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Design
- Extensive Template Library
- Responsive Design Controls
- Great WYSIWYG Editing
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Rank Math SEO
- Comprehensive SEO Features
- Slick & User-Friendly Interface
- Content Analysis and Suggestions
- Integration with Search Console
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