Portfolio Recap February 2025 | $1,868 from 7 dividends, bought 2 dividend stocks for $5k, and got $2,500 from stablecoins.
Check Out My Thematic Portfolios, Each With Exposures To Specific Investment Themes. Each Folio Has A Different Investment Time Horizon And Tactical Allocation.
Disclaimer: I’m not a financial advisor. No content is meant to be a recommendation. Please do your own research. Pages might contain affiliate links. Please read my Disclaimer page.
I am not good at market timing.
I learned rather quickly that short-term momentum trading is not for me. When staring at charts, I get quickly inpatient. What works for me are mid-to-longterm invest horizons, like 6 to 24 months, or even longer.
In my All-Weather Portfolio, my time horizon is ‘forever’, for the thematic portfolios I am showing on this page my time horizons vary, but typically are around one to three years.
You can check out my Digital Asset Portfolio – I bought my first Bitcoin in 2017, and some more in 2019 (my average buying price is around 10,000 USD).
I keep a separate trading portfolio with which I aim to generate additional cashflow. I am not a day or swing trader, but usually hold shares for about three to twelve months.
If you are interested in gold and precious metals in general, check out my Top 10 Reason To Invest In Gold article here.
Check out my full Uranium investment thesis in this article. My article explaining why and how I invest in commodities might also be interesting.
The Metaverse Portfolio is my latest and so far smallest thematic portfolio. I believe this investment theme will play out nicely in the many years to come. I am down quite a bit, but I don’t mind that at all, as volatility is to be expected in this space!
I started building this portfolio in 2019, after reading a lot about CRISPR and having probably watched 25 hours our interviews with industry experts. Decided to allocate 10,000 USD to this portfolio, and aim to not trade it, but keep the stocks for many years.
Decided to go with the three leading companies: Crispr, Editas and Intellia ($NTLA). They had a phenomenal run in 2020 (after the CEOs of two of them won the Nobel Prize), and luckily I took some profit on Intellia, see the trade below.
With the 7,000€ of profits, I then bought Fulgent and Bionano. Not directly CRISPR companies, but two of the most exciting genomic testing and sequencing companies. Since then I held on to Fulgent, but sold Bionano with a loss.
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Portfolio Recap February 2025 | $1,868 from 7 dividends, bought 2 dividend stocks for $5k, and got $2,500 from stablecoins.
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