Monthly Passive Income Report | 2023 March

My Monthly Passive Income Report for March 2023: Received $2,6k in dividends from 16 stocks, and invested a new 26k USD into 6 stocks, incl. one new buy.
Monthly Passive Income Report 2023 03


Monthly Passive Income Report

Dividend-income-wise, March is typically a good month for me. My best one is May, and March and September are equally good.

See below a quick chart of the various months.

Monthly Passive Income Report 2023 03 by month

After starting my dividend portfolio in May 2020, slowly but surely, my income from stock dividends is growing so that I can cover at least some of my monthly costs (currently at roughly 9,000 USD per month). My goal is to have my dividends from stock income cover 100% of my family’s cost. 

Stock Dividends Received 

Below are the dividends I received during the month:

  Dividends Amount
2023-03-08 🇮🇳 CapitaLand India $498
2023-03-31 🇦🇺  BHP $375
2023-03-01 🇦🇺 Dexus $271
2023-03-01 🇨🇦  Enbridge $255
2023-03-30 🇨🇦  Brookfield $159
2023-03-23 🇬🇧 Unilever $149
2023-03-27 🇬🇧 Shell $144
2023-03-09 🇺🇸  3M $128
2023-03-15 🇺🇸  Realty $93
2023-03-07 🇺🇸  Pfizer $90
2023-03-24 🇺🇸  BlackRock $90
2023-03-31 🇺🇸  Kraft-Heinz $84
2023-03-30 🇺🇸  Union Pacific $83
2023-03-09 🇺🇸  Johnson & Johnson $81
2023-03-09 🇺🇸  Welltower $73
2023-03-30 🇨🇦 Franco Nevada $36
  Total $2,608

In March last year, my dividend stocks generated $1,953 US, representing an increase of $655, or 34%.

Dividend Stock Purchases

I don’t re-invest distributions in the same stocks, but choose those stocks that I believe offer good risk/reward ratios. I believe this is a key ingredient when aiming to increase your monthly passive income.

Here’s what I bought in March:

  Purchases Amount
2023-03-27 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scottish Mortgage Trust  NEW $12,150
2023-03-02 🇦🇺 Dexus $4,160
2023-03-16 🇭🇰 Link REIT $3,060
2023-03-27 🇩🇪 DHL $2,930
2023-03-09 🇸🇪 Castellum $2,900
2023-03-23 🇺🇸 Warner Bros $420
2023-03-09 🇨🇦 Enbridge $380
  Total $26,000

I added to various existing holdings, such as $WBD, $ENB, and DHL, to name a few. But I also bought one new one.

New Position in Scottish Mortgage Trust

Scottish Mortgage Trust
Ticker: SMT
Symbol: SSEZF
FTSE All-World Index
Launch Date: 1909

I started a new position in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scottish Mortgage Trust (SSEZF).

After following it for a year, I finally purchased 1,500 shares x 6.50€. The first time I came across $SSEZF was via Real Vision after watching this interview.

A “Scottish Mortgage Trust” – WTF?

The Scottish Mortgage Trust has nothing to do (anymore) with Scottland, nor Mortgages. It invests in “tech companies that set to change the world”.

It was founded in 1909 and is managed by the fund management firm Baillie Gifford.

For quite a while now, I tried to find a smart way to invest in Tech. I knew I can not neglect the space entirely, but I also did not want to be exposed to single-stock risk (Kodak, Nokia, etc.). The Tech sector is changing so rapidly, and companies get disrupted so quickly, that it’s very tough to step on top of everything.

I eyed the ARK funds a lot but felt their profile became so polarizing, that I never ended up buying it.

Scottish Mortage Trust’s Holdings 

Scottish Mortgage Trust Holdings 2023 03

"For Scottish Mortgage, we want to invest wherever change is. What we don’t want to be doing is saying, ‘There’s really great progress over there, but we can’t get our shareholders involved in it.’ That’s why being able to invest in both public and private companies really matters."

Lawrence Burns, Deputy Manager

What do I like about the Scottish Mortgage Trust? 

There are many things I like about $SSEZF:

1️⃣ Awesome mission statement – Identify companies that are set to change the world. Sign me up!

2️⃣ Concentrated positions, as a very small number of stocks, generate the lion’s share of returns

3️⃣ Long-term investment horizon – I appreciate the trust’s patience to let its thesis play out

4️⃣ Stock-picking by an experienced team – lets me sleep well at night

5️⃣ Ultra-low fees (0.30% on the first £4 Bio, 0.25% thereafter, payable to Baillie Gifford)

6️⃣ Invests globally – including China and South America – something I was looking for

7️⃣ Tech on autopilot – I trust the fund’s managers to do the job better than I could do it

8️⃣ Dividend-paying (!) in July and November (two slow dividend months for me)

9️⃣ Price now 60% lower – now is a good time to start building a position, see the chart below

🔟 Super-duper promising illiquid positions – e.g. in SpaceX, Northvolt, Zipline, etc.

Scottish Mortgage Trust chart 2023

I plan to build this position into a 50,000 Euro core holding over the course of the next five months (by dollar-cost-averaging).

Back to my monthly passive income report.

Dividend Income, By Quarter

The chart below shows my dividend income by quarter:

Quarterly Passive Income 2023 Q1

I started building my All-Weather Portfolio in May 2020, hence I got my first dividends in Q3 of the same year.

Below shows all my current portfolio holdings:

Dividend Income Portfolio 2023 03 31

Tech only represents 7% of my total, while REITs represent 22%, and Consumer Staples 16% (my favorite European Consumer Goods Stock). The biggest contributor to my monthly passive income is Consumer Staples, REITs, Healthcare, and Materials ($BHP & $RIO).

Overall I am happy with the progress, and will simply keep Dripping & DCA’ing.

📘 Read Also


What is the most profitable monthly passive income?

• Invest in dividend stocks and ETFs
• Buy a rental property (real estate)
Earn interest on crypto
• Invest in high-yield savings accounts
• Invest in peer-to-peer lending platforms like Mintos
• Start a blog and monetize it with affiliate links, ads, and sponsored posts
• Become a silent partner in a business
• Create a passive income product such as an ebook, online course, or app

What is the easiest monthly passive income?

Income from dividend stocks from world-class businesses like Johnson & Johnson, PepsiCo, or Kraft-Heinz, all paying quarterly dividends, or distributions from REITs like Realty Income that pay dividends on the 15th of every month.

How to make monthly passive income?

1/ via dividends from stocks like Realty Income
2/ via peer-to-peer lending platforms like Mintos
3/ earn passive income on your crypto on CakeDefi
4/ earn income from solar panels via Sun Exchange
5/ earn some money on the side with platforms like Yamgo

Where to start with passive income?

Pure monthly passive income typically requires that you already committed time, energy, or money before. Once you have some money you can set aside, you should read and learn as much as possible to figure out ways how to make your money work hard for you. As Warren Buffett once said, “People who don’t learn to make money work, will always work for money.”

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About Me

Hi there, I’m Noah, an avid DIY investor on a quest for wealth & wisdom. I’m sharing my portfolio, trades & dividend income so you can learn from my missteps! Sign up for my 100% free newsletter to get updates.

Freedom Stats

🧑🏻‍🌾 Age when reaching FI: 40 in 2018
😰 Left the rat race: May 2017
🏠 Living in: Singapore
👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Number of kids: 2
💵 Net Worth: $6.5 Mio US
☂️ All-Weather Portfolio: $1.02 Mio
Dividend Income (2023): $25k
Passive Income (2023):
Crypto Portfolio: $2.0 Mio
My 10 Favorite Dividend Stocks


I’m not a financial advisor. Please do your own research & read the disclaimer. No content is meant to be a recommendation. Some pages might contain affiliate links that won’t cost you anything.

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🤟Services I Love

🧐 For stock research: SimplyWallSt
📚 For in-depth research: Gurufocus
🆓 For buying crypto: Coinbase
🏆 For
buying gold: Goldbroker
🌱 For passive crypto income: Nexo
🔐 For storing crypto: Ledger Wallet
🚔 For online safety: Malwarebytes


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