Financial Astrology – Investment Guide For the Age of Air

Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, join me in discovering the cosmic potential of financial astrology in the coming Age of Air.
financial astrology investment guide


Key Takeaways

✅ Financial astrology is multifaceted
✅ Treat horoscopes as prompts for thoughtful reflection
✅ I don’t endorse short-term trading based on astrology
✅ Understanding the Earth to Air Age shift holds value
✅ Specific stock ideas for the Air of Age are presented




Financial Astrology – Is There Anything To It?





To commence, it’s important to clarify my stance.

Generally, I am not a believer in astrology, but I approach it with an open mind until proven otherwise. I harbor significant doubts about astrology’s efficacy in short-term trading of financial assets, and I dismiss the idea of trading based on celestial cycles, including moon/lunar phases.

Nevertheless, I hold the view that custom-made horoscopes crafted by professional astrologers should be regarded as invitations to reflect and contemplate specific topics.

Such as the one I am about to explain below.



Is Financial Astrology Legit?


The legitimacy of financial astrology is highly subjective and varies among individuals.

While some investors find value in aligning astrological insights with market trends, others consider it speculative and lacking empirical evidence.

Investors must approach financial astrology with a critical mindset, recognizing its non-traditional pseudoscientific nature and the absence of universally accepted principles in mainstream finance.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of financial astrology depends on personal beliefs, risk tolerance, and the integration of multiple sources of financial analysis.




My Take On Financial Astrology


I firmly believe that every investor should acquaint themselves with, or at least be aware of, the significant four astrological ages, comprehend their implications, and identify the most suitable investment themes for each.

Currently navigating a pivotal transition from the Age of Earth to the Age of Air, this shift will undoubtedly wield profound impacts on the economy, society, and the financial landscape.

Having already proven beneficial for me, I am confident that this understanding will similarly assist you in comprehending the ongoing changes unfolding before us.



The Astrological Ages: Navigating Cosmic Transitions


The Age Of Earth (1800-2020)


In simple terms, for the past 200 years, we have been living in the Age of Earth.

This described a time when things were stable, unchanging, and focused on material and tangible aspects.

What does well in the Age of Earth?  Typically, heavy industries, capitalism, and big institutions like oil and banks.


age of earth - heavy industry
In the Age of Earth, heavy industries dominated


Catchwords of the age of the earth would be:

  • materialism
  • industrial revolution
  • large factories
  • top-down management
  • hierarchical organization charts
  • big corporate
  • centralization in the headquarters
  • bureaucratic & authoritarian

Does any of the above sound familiar?




The Coming Age Of Air


Now, the Age of Air represents a completely different paradigm.


Catchwords for the Age of Air would include

  • decentralized & collaborative
  • multidimensional networking
  • dynamic & flexible
  • circles, not Squares
  • not hierarchical, but collegial
  • colorful & diverse
  • innovative & adaptive
  • information age
  • technological disruption
  • open-minded & autonomous



Age of Earth Compared To Age of Air 


I put together the following infographic to quickly compare the main differences of the two ages.

infographic on differences between age of air vs age of air
infographic on differences between Age of Earth vs Age of Air



Previous Ages Of Air (Every 800 Years)


age of air - Axial Age 463-165 BCE


During this period, great philosophies and religions were born. Thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle emerged, and it was marked by the significant event of the plague of Athens.




Classical Age (332-690 CE): Decline of the Western Roman Empire


age of air decline of Roman Empire


In the Classical Age of Air, the Western Roman Empire faced decline. St. Augustine, an influential thinker, emerged, and the era was characterized by the Justinian plague, a major contributor to the fall of the Roman Empire.



Medieval Age of Air (1185-1435 CE): Decline of Feudalism


financial astrology - age of air - feudalism


The Medieval Age of Air saw the rise of the first universities, the invasions of the Mongols, the Black Death plague, and the end of feudalism. This era was marked by intellectual ferment and a transition from earthy concerns, for example partially due to a lack of workers for farming.



Coming Age of Air In The Information Age (2020 onwards)


age of air - Information Age 2020 onwards




Transitioning Into The Age Of Air


The shift from one age to another typically commences with transformative events, often instigated by global phenomena such as a pandemic. The Great Resignation, accelerated decentralization (via technologies like blockchains and cryptocurrencies), and a move towards diversity, coupled with a growing skepticism towards established institutions, are telltale signs of these transitions.


The forthcoming Age of Air embraces technological strides, encompassing decentralized ledger technologies (blockchains or DLTs), artificial intelligence, genomics, quantum computing, and decentralized renewable energy sources like wind or solar farms.

During such transitions, people often grapple with a sense of confusion, leading them to seek solace in ancient and astrological wisdom.

Currently, we find ourselves in a phase of gradual dissolution of many structures created in the past two centuries, a process that unfolds gradually before picking up pace.

When combining these shifts with the insights from generational theory, especially the concept of the 4th turning, it becomes evident that significant and eventful times lie ahead, with the years 2020-2026 standing out as astrologically noteworthy.




Which Businesses Do Well In The Age Of Air?


While heavy industries such as big oil and Wall Street thrived in the material Age of Earth, the Age of Air will favor an entirely different breed of businesses:



Examples Of Typical Age Of Air Companies 


Industry Earth Air
Transportation State-owned taxi company Uber
Hospitality Large hotel groups like Hilton AirBNB
Entertainment Brick-and-mortar movie rental Netflix
Radio Centralized radio stations Spotify
Retail Brick-and-mortar retailers Amazon
Workforce Massive temp agencies Upwork / Fiverr
Knowledge Printed Britannica / Brockhaus Google / Wikipedia
News State-owned news outlets Twitter / X


The list goes on and on, but the above gives a good overview.

What’s common among the companies on the right?

They are asset-lite platforms where users predominantly engage through renting or subscribing, effectively bringing together supply and demand.



Good Example – Kabila 


A project like kabila is a prime example of how a company appeals to the proper ethos of the Air Epoch. It’s built on top of Hedera, one of my favorite DLT platforms.  




Key Skillsets For The Age of Air


If there’s a single image that epitomizes the essence of the Age of Air, it’s a flock of birds.


Because in the Age of Air, we must emulate birds:

Because in the Age of Air, we must be like birds:

  • Dynamic, light, and agile
  • Open and ready to swiftly change directions
  • Capable of solo flight, yet appreciating the strength of belonging to a flock
  • Discerning when it’s time to rest and when to take to the skies


recommendation age of air - flock of birds
Recommendation for the Age of Air – be like a bird, belong to a flock




Dangers In The Age Of Air



What are the prevalent threats and risks in the Age of Air?

  • Cyberattacks
  • Propaganda
  • Drones
  • Biological warfare
  • Space war


In the Age of Earth, dominance relied on controlling land and oceans.

Conversely, in the Age of Air, strength lies in mastering the ether, encompassing media narratives, propaganda, and space assets such as satellites and air forces.



Good Investments According To Financial Astrology


If prevailing financial astrology holds, specific industries are poised to thrive in the upcoming Age of Air.


Below, I outline each promising sector and disclose the stocks I favor or have already invested in:



Navigating Precious Metals and REITs in the Age of Air”


Contrary to favorable prospects, precious metals like gold, tied to the Age of Earth, face challenges due to their tangible nature.

Similarly, REITs, embedded in the material world, may encounter limitations due to the Great Resignation and Work-From-Home trend, lacking the desired ‘airy’ quality needed to thrive in the Age of Air.

Gold, exhibiting a pretty much decade-long stagnation in price, contrasts sharply with the exponential growth witnessed by decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin.

In light of this, while I’ve opted against stacking more gold, I’ve chosen to not sell my current holdings at this time.


Good Resources

I enjoyed watching the following video of professional astrologer Dan Waites:


I also learned and keep learning a lot from Christof Niederwieser, a professional Austrian astrologer living in Germany for years. The below video is in German, turn on the English captions:




My intention is not to come across as a know-it-all but to genuinely pursue and embrace true wisdom, sharing it on this blog when I encounter it.

Recognizing the dynamics of the Age of Earth, the Age of Air, and their transitions provides me with clarity — and clarity is power.

This comprehension aids me in grasping the intricacies of the world, fostering a profound sense of peace.

May it bring the same tranquility to you.



📘 Read Also






Does financial astrology work?

While astrology holds cultural and historical significance for many, it’s essential to note that its scientific validity is a subject of debate. Some individuals find personal meaning and insights in astrological interpretations, attributing correlations between celestial movements and human experiences. However, it’s crucial to approach astrology with an open mind and recognize that scientific consensus may not fully support its claims.

What are financial astrology predictions?

Financial astrology predictions integrate insights from celestial movements, emphasizing adaptability, technological advancements, and decentralized trends in the Age of Air. Explore evolving industries and consider the transformative impacts on investments in this dynamic era.

How to learn financial astrology?

To learn financial astrology, start by exploring reputable online resources, books, and courses dedicated to the subject. Engage with communities or forums where enthusiasts share insights, and consider consulting with experienced practitioners for practical guidance. Reputable astrologers like Dr. Christof Niederwieser or Dan Waites are a good start.

What are the best financial astrologers?

Two of the best financial astrologers are Christof NIederwieser (in German, but readings can take place in English) and Susan Gidel.

How to improve your financial position by astrology?

Enhancing your financial position through astrology involves aligning investment decisions with astrological insights. Learn about favorable periods, diversify strategically, and consider professional guidance to make informed financial choices in alignment with astrological principles. Start by learning about the Age of Air (we currently transition out of the Age of Earth into the Age of Air).

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Hi there, I’m Noah, an avid DIY investor on a quest for wealth & wisdom. I’m sharing my portfolio, trades & dividend income so you can learn from my missteps! Sign up for my 100% free newsletter to get updates.

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🧑🏻‍🌾 Age when reaching FI: 40 in 2018
😰 Left the rat race: May 2017
🏠 Living in: Singapore
👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Number of kids: 2
💵 Net Worth: $6.2 Mio US
☂️ All-Weather Portfolio: $1.2 Mio
Dividend Income (2023): $25k
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Crypto Portfolio: $1.8 Mio
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🧐 For stock research: SimplyWallSt
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🌱 For passive crypto income: Nexo
🔐 For storing crypto: Ledger Wallet
🚔 For online safety: Malwarebytes


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